Liebster Award 2014


This blog has been nominated for a Liebster Award by a woman who I greatly admire .  “Rockin” is a teacher, a thru-hiker, a peak bagger and writes a great blog about all of her fantastic adventures at Lady on a Rock.  If you’re not already a follower, I’m sure you’ll enjoy her blog.  Thank you Rockin’ for the nomination!  It was an awesome gesture.

Here are the questions that Rockin’ asked along with my answers.

1. Favorite outdoor guidebook?   It’s a simple book really, my first guidebook; the book that opened up the world of hiking in Yosemite to my son Andrew and me.  I’ve completed the majority of hikes listed, many of them with Andrew by my side (leading the way, actually).  The book is: Day Hikes in Yosemite National Park, 55 Great Hikes by Robert Stone.

2.  Why do you walk?   I walk for the love of nature: to see the flora, fauna and the magnificent views. Also, I walk for exercise.

3.  Having a stressful at day work?  What gets you through?  My work is volunteer work: cooking for the homeless at our local shelter, and giving groceries to those in need from our local food pantry, among other duties.  When I find myself stressed out during a shift, I remember that I’ve never been in the position to need to ask for food or shelter.  Thinking of that usually brings the stress level down.

4.  I am a peak bagger.  Do you have any recommendations?  I haven’t been up to many peaks.  Mt. Hoffman, the geographical center of Yosemite, is one that I have “bagged” I guess you can say.  The view from the top is incredible and it’s relatively easy to reach.

5.  What gets you through the last miles of a hard day besides crying?  Since I don’t hike many miles when I’m out (I think 14 was the most at once) I rarely feel that it’s been a hard day.  However, the thought that runs through my mind at the end of each hike is food and having a hearty meal back at home.

6.  Your favorite trail food?  Since I’m a day hiker I can usually bring anything to eat.  One time my husband and I brought the usual sack lunch but added a thick slice of homemade apple pie for dessert.  Our backpacking jaunts are often overnighters so we bring Mountain House meals.  I would love to get into dehydrating healthy food some day.

7.  I have to ask…what are 2 of your favorite funny hiking quotes? I am gathering quotes for this summer’s blog entries.  The only things that come to mind are silly quotes I heard over and over during one of our backpacking trips:  from my husband Chris–I think we’re running out of uphill.  From his brother Andy–Don’t take this trail for granite; and from Maria his wife–I think I’m lichen this rock (and log).

8. We are all bloggers. What keeps you motivated to keep writing?  The motivation is that I don’t want to forget where I’ve been.  I want to keep a log to enjoy when I’m unable to hike anymore .  For me, hiking and blogging go hand-in-hand.  Prior to blogging, I used to make photo book journals to help me remember the hikes, but began blogging so my dad could easily see what I’ve been up to.  Having followers to the blog is amazing.  It’s a blessed bonus!

9. Since I loved this question I am going to ask. How old were you when you first camped? hiked? backpacked?  Hiking: My first experience was when I was a Girl Scout back in the early 1970s. We did a day hike to Rock City at Mt. Diablo State Park wearing the sit-upons that we made during a prior meeting.  Camping: My first camping trip was at the age of 21 on Memorial Day weekend in the Sierras. There were four of us and we didn’t bring enough food.  I remember being so surprised by the constant rush of the river all night long.  It kept me awake.  Backpacking: September, 1999.  My husband and I (and a few others) took our two oldest sons, then 10 and 14, up to the Sierra Buttes.  The wind howled like crazy that night.  We got up early, climbed to the lookout tower and watched the simultaneous moon set and sunrise.

10. Who doesn’t love a good sunrise and sunset?  Where have been your favorites?  See #9 for sunrise. Sunset: Kauai, and in our backyard during winter when the sun is setting through the clouds.

11. So what is your next planned adventure?  Backpacking Yosemite’s high country with my daughter and niece this summer (hubby too, maybe).  I would love to section hike the John Muir Trail, but it’s not planned yet. The adventure will be in trying to talk my husband into it.

Now I am supposed to nominate other new bloggers.  Since I read an assortment of different blogs, I am having a difficult time coming up with questions for others to answer.  So I am going to pass on nominating other blogs.

Again, I thank Rockin’ for the Liebster Award nomination.


8 thoughts on “Liebster Award 2014

      1. Isn’t everything related to hiking?????? Loved the answers to your questions. Keep encouraging your husband. I can so relate with this. Thanks for playing along.


  1. Congrats on a great blog with great answers! You inspire even we who don’t hike. I enjoy your descriptions, as you use all our senses!


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